Hey, Sally Kohn, here’s someone else who’s on board with your idea that America needs to get its priorities right: All of these businesses that are being looted and even burned down are insured and can be replaced, unlike a human life. Well, except for those small businesses that weren’t insured, or had to drop their insurance because they were closed down in the COVID-19 lockdown, or had insurance that didn’t cover rioting and insurrection.
Pulitzer Prize-winning “1619 Project” architect Nikole Hannah-Jones, who recently defended Joe Biden and his “you ain’t black” remark, thinks we need to be careful with our language and not call the destruction of property “violence,” because that would put it on equal footing with the killing of George Floyd, which was actual violence, and that would be immoral.
"Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man's neck until all of the life is leached out of his body. Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence. To use the same language to describe those two things is not moral" –@nhannahjones on CBSN pic.twitter.com/GGteXRFwAr
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 2, 2020
"Destroying property isn't violence." https://t.co/4vNimlLVaK
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 2, 2020
Also, speech is violence, too.
— Courtney Shadegg (@CShadegg) June 2, 2020
Aren't these the same people who think it's "literal violence" to misgender someone? Are we sure it's 2020 because it seems a hell of a lot like 1984.
— Pragmatic Pup (@PragmaticPup) June 2, 2020
She means "destroying OTHER PEOPLE'S property isn't violence". As with many others, her opinion undoubtedly varies depending on proximity to her own property.
— A Woodworker ?? (@oenophil15) June 2, 2020
She's a peach.
— Charlie (@CharliesMatrix) June 3, 2020
These same people told us language is violence, a noose is violence, a painted swastika is violence, crosses are violence, statues are violence, paintings are violence, history is violence.
It’s pointless – their ignorance seems the most violent thing of all.
— Safe Spaces Podcast! (@real_safespaces) June 2, 2020
So, can we all just start taking stuff or destroying it? Or only some people can do that?
— EmmyJo (@JoEdmondson3) June 2, 2020
Curious is beating store owners violence? Just asking…..Wondering just how twisted the thinking has become.
— Ben Murphy (@coachmurphy100) June 3, 2020
@ScottAdamsSays calls this "ARGUMENT BY BIZARRE DEFINITION." Example: He’s not a criminal. He just does things that are against the law.
— Fenris (@Det_Yoda) June 2, 2020
That's a cool new narrative the MSM is going with?
— Dan Bowen (@ScotchGuyDan) June 2, 2020
I taught my children, Destruction of property is an automatic spanking offense. Should have spanked a few more children.
— MomMaKish (@MaryAnnKish1) June 2, 2020
1619 project originator. Used in your children's school.
— Steve Odom (@SteveOdom62) June 2, 2020
It’s very likely.
I keep saying it. They have a different value system and we are amazed they don't understand we see it as violence. Making citizens fearful in their own home and business, killing police officers, burning looting and destroying businesses. In their world, this is OK.
— KBS (@KBStrasser) June 2, 2020
If these are such peaceful protests, do you think the people in the media and the politicians spewing out these lies would be happy if we "so called" peacefully protested at their businesses or homes? Hell No!
— Truthseeker (@TruthSeekerOZ) June 2, 2020
Ah, it doesn't matter because it can just be replaced. #moronlogic
— poncho (@poncho29558656) June 2, 2020
Everyone who says property can be replaced needs to hand over their own paychecks to replace said property. Instead of paying to bail out the criminals.
— ConstitutionOfTheUSA (@JulSofTruth) June 2, 2020
It is a very sad thing when people are condoning burning buildings like it's nothing.
— The California Conservative (@TheCaliforniaC2) June 3, 2020
Do better CBS
— gshell1234 (@gshell1234) June 2, 2020
Looting isn't protesting.
— M (@Berns4Trump) June 2, 2020
Ahh to be liberal and get to define words however you please and try to force others to agree.
— LibertyDDS (@LibertyDDS_) June 3, 2020
I guess burning black churches doesn’t bother her either !!! SMH
— Dalton (@DownSouthDalton) June 3, 2020
Now we are trying to use a play on words. Sooo looting, destruction, assaults, flipping cars etc are not violence? This is the simplicity of the left.
— NomNomNomNom (@MurderFish79) June 3, 2020
I'm sure if they destroyed her property, that would not only be violence, it would be racist.
— J. Scott McPhee (@JScottMcPhee) June 3, 2020
As someone mentioned above, celebrities and Kamala Harris and Joe Biden staffers are all donating to bail out those arrested during the protests/riots instead of donating to rebuild some of the hundreds of small businesses that were destroyed. It’s just property.
1619 Project architect Nikole Hannah-Jones is ‘not defending’ Joe Biden when she notes the ‘difference between being politically black and being racially black’ https://t.co/T6Gy2H5mln
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 22, 2020
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