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Cringe: Elle has Elizabeth Warren answer readers' questions because she's got a plan for that

Remember how great it was when Beto O’Rourke (“he has an aura”) teamed up with Vanity Fair for that Annie Liebovitz photo shoot to launch his campaign for president? Or that amazing behind-the-scenes video of Elizabeth Warren’s glamour shots for Rolling Stone’s cover? We’re not sure if Elle is trying to get Warren elected with this stunt, but they know she has proposals “touching on everything from student debt to reproductive rights.”


Elle was so convinced that Warren has a plan for everything they put together a video of her answering readers’ questions. What should you do about that guy who’s watching your Insta Stories but not responding to your texts? How to get your roommate to adopt a dog? And why are you hosting a conference call with a pro-Tehran lobbying group?




“I’m gonna get me a beer.”


Bonus cringe:


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