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Sharyl Attkisson wonders why other news sites don't trigger a 'warning' from Facebook

Remember the hysteria following the news that the Russians had swung the 2016 election by placing ads on Facebook, like that meme of Hillary Clinton getting ready to box with Jesus Christ or those coloring pages of a very buff Bernie Sanders doing muscle poses in a Speedo?


Legislators like Sen. Dianne Feinstein warned Facebook and Twitter that they’d better do something about “misuse” of their social media platforms or the government would do it for them. And so Facebook has done us the great favor of popping up a “warning” when you’re about to read something from one of those fake news sites like Breitbart.

Sharyl Attkisson wonders if a few more news outlets could rate a similar warning.

The best part — the text for the warning comes from Wikipedia.


We’re old enough to remember an intern from Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s office using Wikipedia to doxx Republican senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee as they questioned Brett Kavanaugh, posting their personal information such as home addresses and phone numbers.



(An aside: Patent attorney Vanessa Otero’s famous Media Bias Chart lists Twitchy as “hyper-partisan right” and “nonsense damaging to public discourse” — she recently raised $32,000 to help her maintain her awesome chart. So there’s that, too — you’ve been warned. Why not slip her a few bucks for protecting you?)


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