A snarky tweet this morning about President Trump’s vacation reminded us once again of this gem from CNN’s Chris Cillizza:
Let me say for the billionth time: Reporters don't root for a side. Period. https://t.co/dhH8eherOR
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) October 16, 2016
It must be exhausting having to repeat that more than a billion times, but maybe if fewer tweets came across like the ones below, it wouldn’t seem to so many people as though reporters were biased against the current administration.
For example, here’s an analysis of why 2018 might not be amazing for Democrats, brought to you by the same people who were certain of Hillary Clinton’s victory in 2016.
Why 2018 might not be such an amazing election for Democrats | Analysis by CNN's Chris Cillizza https://t.co/mKeEegWdKy pic.twitter.com/lUaW1QX1JP
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 7, 2017
“All the signs suggest that 2018 is going to be a very good year for Democrats,” writes Cillizza. And he makes a good argument, if you overlook a slogan stolen from a pizza box (“A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future”), threats from both women and African Americans to break away and form their own parties, and an ongoing fight over whether to pivot to the left or take a hard turn to the extreme left.
"Analysis by CNN's Chris Cillizza" ? https://t.co/cFlGqYrDou
— Dave Koga (@kogamon) August 7, 2017
'Analysis by Chris Cillizza' makes this a hard pass.
— #MR_MARVEL (@truecolossus) August 7, 2017
You lost me at Chris Cillizza
— Nope (@XBTlol) August 7, 2017
Aw, come on. It’s a decent piece, once you get past the tweet.
One reason is @CNN biased reporting has fired up Trump's base. Every time I start to have doubts the Dems and MSM enrage me again. #MAGA
— Pattypan (@Pattypan) August 7, 2017
Y'all are making excuses a year in advance ?
— Rebecca Richardson (@BeckaBones92) August 7, 2017
Cancel the fireworks! ?
— Carlos Danger (@Brooks8314) August 7, 2017
Hedging your bets against Trump again? Good job. Say Pence is running against Trump in 20 but then pre-explain Dem losses in 18. That's news
— Frank Sindler (@franklster) August 7, 2017
OK, how about this tweet?
Donald Trump's "successes" after 6 months, rated | Analysis by CNN's Chris Cillizza https://t.co/MwByzieyUi pic.twitter.com/XPsu6o3AIR
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 7, 2017
I like how successes is in " ".
— Im? the MF (@MakeYourBed1) August 7, 2017
The quotation marks around “successes” seem to indicate that these are things that President Trump himself called successes in a tweet Sunday; it’s up to Cillizza to perform his analysis to determine if they’re real successes.
The Fake News refuses to report the success of the first 6 months: S.C., surging economy & jobs,border & military security,ISIS & MS-13 etc.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2017
What might shock some readers is that of those things listed, Cillizza rated four either successes or partial successes and the other too soon to tell. The confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court even rated as an “unmitigated success.”
It has happened. Someone at CNN has written a not-terrible analysis regarding Trump. pic.twitter.com/Ksf3nyaX7x
— ChopOMatic (@Chop0Matic) August 7, 2017
And don’t forget …
No. 1 – Drove CNN to the brink of insanity, and beyond. That's success by any measure.
— PositPoint (@PositPoint) August 7, 2017
If CNN can admit that President Trump has enjoyed an unmitigated success or two, just maybe, the network’s tweets might take on a little less partisan tone in the near future.
Donald Trump's overcompensation vacation | Read The Point with Chris Cillizza https://t.co/5QcFdN9WCA pic.twitter.com/2l0KLBXBtd
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 8, 2017
Or not.
* * *
CNN’s Chris Cillizza embarrasses self over Trump/Agata Kornhauser-Duda handshake. Is this his worst tweet yet? https://t.co/NaehllMdbB
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 7, 2017
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