The world is so DUMB we keep thinking it has reached PEAK insanity and then we find a psychologist who offers us GENDER MINOTAURS.
Feminist medical school professor says trans kids identifying as 'minotaurs' are part of 'gender revolution'
— ELITE DawgGal 2 Natty Winner 1980 Alumna (@gal_dawg) August 16, 2023
YEP, you read that right and you are not going crazy. The world around us is, but you are not.
The psychologist they are talking about is Diane Ehrensaft, director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital.
One quote from the article BLEW our minds.
'A boy … twirled [in my office] … and said to me, 'You see, I'm a Prius … I'm a boy in the front, and I'm a girl in the back.'
Ummm ... so this kid says he is a MULLET in gender form and she as his Dr. just says he is? What in the world is wrong with people? This stuff HAS to stop. Particularly with CHILDREN!
This writer's youngest daughter went on for about 5 months at about 4 years old saying she had a dog in her belly and she was going to give birth to a puppy. We laughed at it because she stuck stuffed animals in her shirt and she was just cute but WE DID NOT TELL HER SHE WAS RIGHT.
We know some kids have struggles with identity and mental health, but we are not supposed to let children proclaim things and it just be affirmed.
SMOD please - STAT! Chief shrink of kids hospital claims kids can identify as minotaurs via @MailOnline
— NavyTim (@ChiefNavyTim) August 16, 2023
We want to give a big shout-out and thank you to the Chief. He is the one who told us about this story and we thought he was JOKING. Sadly, he was not.
Is there no point where reasonable minds step in and put a halt to this insanity?
— Wiley_Knows (@wiley_knows) August 16, 2023
You would think so, but it does not seem to be the case. We literally have the mentally disturbed acting as psychiatrists and psychologists now.
It used to be that the job of a psychiatrist was to relieve people of their delusions. Now it's to agree with the delusion, or even encourage it. In some cases, to create new delusions that didn't exist before.
— Just Saying 🤓🇺🇸 (@califnative4) August 16, 2023
CORRECT! It is really sad. If they start telling people who think their limbs do not belong to them that it is ok to chop off an arm or a leg do people start to say to stop it? Really, what is it going to take?
A California hospital executive and professor claimed children can identify as a mythology-inspired creature and claimed that this category of children love mermaids, according to a presentation reviewed by Fox News Digital.
— Ayn Rose ♼🎭 (@ayn_rose) August 16, 2023
That quote about the mermaids is WILD. The full quote is in the UK daily mail story:
'And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books. If you really you think about it, it works.'
It is not enough to say the gender minotaurs are a thing she wants to tell us they 'like' mermaids. This lady needs to take several seats.
Forget about her medical license she shouldn’t even have a license to drive.
— DJWins (@dwins60) August 16, 2023
WE AGREE! Anything that even requires a photo ID we will support it being taken away from her.
I give up.
— Gen. Dumas (@paulhue) August 16, 2023
Look we do understand the hardship of true gender dysmorphia. It is awful and we would not wish that suffering on anyone. If a person is a consenting adult and can make decisions understanding all of the consequences and wishes to present as a different gender, that is fine, but this stuff where they keep adding ignorance on top of ignorance is out of hand.
People like Dr. Ehrensaft actually make it worse for those people who have REAL gender dysmorphia.
Feminist medical school professor says trans kids identifying as 'minotaurs' are part of 'gender revolution'
— 🇺🇸🇺🇸Desert Deplorable 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@TheWaynerS) August 16, 2023
My God, tell me I’m dreaming. This can’t be real! The whole world has gone crazy. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.
How does it keep getting worse? It is baffling.
Let's play a game where you guys tell us what the next thing is going to be in the comments. THE NEXT GENDER WILL BE: ____fill in the blank___.
We think it will be COLORS! People are not even people they are various colors, but not black or white because that exists it has to be a random made-up color. We now identify as neither gender but as Lulzberry Lime.
You don't know what LULZberry Lime is? GET EDUCATED!! *SNORT*
Can there be TOO MANY American flags?
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