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Respect All Women, Unless Kamala Harris Can Use Them As Political Pawns

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Left loves to tell us they're the 'Party of Women.' They'll tell women like me, with straight faces, that they care about me and have my best interests at heart.

They really just want me to have control over my body, the freedom to make 'reproductive choices', and they're the only thing standing between me and Donald Trump turning America into Gilead.

My body, my choice, after all.

Kamala Harris, being a good Leftist, is lying. She says she trusts women like me to make decisions for myself. She does not, however.

She is not part of the Party of Women, because the Democrats are not for women. To them, we are political pawns: a bloc to be thrown a bone every few election cycles, but absolutely dumped on in between.

But rarely have I seen so cold, callous, and calculating the use and abuse of a woman for political gain.

Amber Thurman's name is probably familiar to you. I've written about her before, here and here. She's the Georgia woman who obtained a chemical abortion and later died.

She died because the abortion providers who gave her the medication that ended the lives of her unborn children didn't do proper follow up. They handed her powerful drugs that had significant risks and side effects and sent her home. The abortion was completed; her babies died. But the remains of her unborn children weren't expelled from her body and Thurman developed an infection that turned to sepsis.

Emergency providers at the hospital -- forced to deal with another botched abortion dump off -- didn't adequately treat the sepsis for whatever reason.

But that's a separate issue. Anti-bortion laws did not cause Amber Thurman to die.

Abortion, however, did.

And Thurman's family has asked Kamala -- that supposed champion of women -- to stop using Thurman's death for political clout.

Kamala has refused. She even led a chant of 'Amber Nicole Thurman' at a campaign rally and she was posting the lie to her X account as recently as yesterday:

This is very similar to Kamala's treatment of Christians. Only a few days ago, she was chiding rally attendees for saying 'Jesus is Lord' (a pretty standard tenet of Christianity) and dissing Catholics but now asks those 'souls' to go vote for her.

This is who Kamala Harris is: a disrespectful, opportunistic, partisan hack.

One who will tell you she cares about you, especially if you're a woman, and one who will protect you from the Bad Orange Man.

Except don't listen to what she says. Watch what she does. Any decent woman would issue an apology to Amber Thurman's family and then never utter Thurman's name again.

Kamala isn't doing that. She's using Thurman as a political pawn in order to beat Donald Trump.

How can women trust her to respect them as President when, as a candidate, she uses women for her political gain?

We can't.


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