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Lies and the Lying Infanticidal Liars Who Tell Them

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

One of the most disgusting, dangerous lies the Left tells in the abortion debate is that abortion bans also outlaw treatment of ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages.

It's a lie that puts women at risk. And any provider who tries to hide behind abortion laws for failing to to their jobs should be arrested, barred from practicing medicine ever again, and sued into oblivion because that's negligence and medical malpractice.

Abortion bans do not do this. But this is who the Left is. They don't care if they harm women in their fanatical pursuit of unrestricted abortion (funding by the taxpayers, naturally).

They never will. But they'll make sure abortion clinics get lots of business if Kamala wins, and a lot of women will suffer same complications.

Which is why it's imperative conservatives realize that Trump -- while far from perfect on the issue -- is a far better alternative than Kamala Harris.

The pro-life activist recently spoke with the BBC, too:

“It’s very clear that Trump is less pro-abortion than Kamala Harris,” she told the BBC on Thursday. “But our movement’s goal is not just to accept whatever the least worst candidate is and show up for them. Our goal is to help candidates who are going to be fighters for the pre-born.”

One of the most prominent leaders in the anti-abortion movement, Ms Rose’s defection signals a potential problem with Trump’s new strategy. As Trump attempts to moderate on abortion, he risks alienating some within his socially conservative base. And in an election that may be decided by a razor-thin margin, if those voters stay home in November it could cost Trump the White House.

I don't know how the election is going to turn out, but I do know this: if Kamala Harris wins, abortion is the law of the land.

And -- like Roe -- it'll take decades to undo. If we can undo it at all.

Which means a lot of babies are going to die simply as a matter of convenience.

As I said elsewhere, the voting booth is not a church. It is a brothel. Sometimes we have to vote for the imperfect candidate because the alternative is dangerous and deadly.

I don't like abortion. I oppose it in all forms. But I also know a blanket ban at the federal level is a) unconstitutional and b) unrealistic. The best way to reduce abortions is to convince people not to have them. To advocate for stronger social supports for families and children, to stop making parenthood seem like a burdensome slog rather than the fulfilling, life-changing experience it is (not to say it isn't hard work, of course).

I'd rather more babies live under a President Trump administration, even with his flawed views on the issue, while working to make additional pro-life gains at the state and local level. Trump -- at the very least -- can be reasoned with and influenced. Take his about-face on Florida's Amendment 4 as an example.

That America is much more preferable than an America under President Harris: one where the Left shamelessly put women's lives at risk, codify abortion-on-demand at all stages of pregnancy, and pass legislation that withholds life-saving care from babies born alive after botched abortions. Kamala cannot be reasoned with. She's all in and unwavering on abortion.

Yes, in an ideal world we could ban abortion outright. That's how it should be. We don't live in an ideal world, alas. We live in a very broken, messy world.

And in that world, I refuse to make perfect the enemy of the good. 


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