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Women Are Not Alright: Poll Shows Dem Lies on Abortion Scare Women

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

I said a while ago the Democratic Party -- even when Joe Biden was the nominee -- was going to run hard on abortion.


It was the only card they had to play, after all. They can't run on the economy. Or crime. Or the border. Or foreign policy (noticing a pattern here).

So I predicted -- and time has proven me correct -- they'd go all in on killing the unborn. Even that they can't do properly, having to lie about Georgia's abortion laws while using a dead woman, Amber Nicole Thurman (a woman killed by a legal chemical abortion). The Democrats, including Kamala Harris, have spent a lot of time telling women that anti-abortion laws mean they will be denied life-saving care in the event of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

This cannot be emphasized enough: IT IS A LIE. It is a lie, and a gross one at that, for Democrats to peddle. But they are.

And it's working.

This poll is from February, when Biden was still the nominee, but it is indicative of the fact the Dem's all-in campaign on abortion is working.

Specifically the fear-mongering lies and this notion killing your child is a 'right.'

No woman will be denied care for an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. There is no law, and no interpretation of law, that prohibits that necessary care. Saying the laws do -- as the Left pursues unfettered, unrestricted abortion-on-demand -- puts women's lives at risk.

And they don't care.

They also don't care that killing another human being as an alternative form of contraception isn't a 'right' and never was. They've convinced a lot of women it is. We have to change those perceptions.

Donald Trump has said he supports abortion as a state's rights issue, and that he felt Florida's six-week ban was too restrictive. He agrees with exceptions for rape/incest and the life of the mother.

But the Left keeps lying about his stance and the so-called 'Trump abortion bans.'

And those lies appear to be working.

WIll it be enough to sway the election? No. This is a limited demographic of women ages 18-29. Women over the age of 29 vote and in poll after poll the economy is the biggest concern for voters.

On that, Trump wins handily.

There's a deep cultural divide on this issue, however and one that we will have to confront. I said ages ago overturning Roe -- which took the better part of 50 years -- was the easy task.

It really is bewildering and evil.

How do we change this? By winning over hearts and minds. And that means supporting things like paid leave, child care support, and pro-family policies (not necessarily government-funded, mind you). We also need to stop portraying motherhood as a thankless, oppresive slog when it's not. Is it hard work? Yes. But it's also rewarding beyond all explanation.

Correct. We need to positively portray pregnancy and motherhood. The Left has done a remarkable job of painting pregnancy as a disease and the unborn as parasites. No, really. Spend any time on X arguing with pro-abortion folks and they'll tell you as much.

It's anti-science, anti-life, and anti-woman.

But right now, it's the message that's winning. And we need to change that.


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