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Facebook's Censorship of Trump's Pic Shows How Media Are Pathetically Desperate Hacks

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

When news of Trump being almost assassinated broke, I was on a plane to Hawaii. We watched -- as best as airplane free Wi-Fi would allow -- the story unfold as we descended into Honolulu. I told my eldest, who loves politics and wants to study poli-sci in college, that Trump won the election. Not on November 5, but on July 13.

Since that time, the Left has done everything in their power to downplay (and downright ignore) the fact someone tried to kill Donald Trump. FBI director Christopher Wray said he wasn't sure it was a bullet in some testimony, and Left-wing loons like Keith Olbermann insist Trump wasn't shot (or it was all staged, depending on the narrative needs).

They even censored Google search results, as I told you about yesterday.

And now Facebook is jumping into the game by saying the iconic photo of Trump raising his fist in defiance is 'misinformation' and an 'altered image.'

See for yourself:

It's another piece of evidence that the media 1) know Trump is probably going to win and 2) will burn it all down in their rabid attempts to stop it.

Whatever shreds of credibility they had left? Gone. 

Journalistic integrity (which wasn't that good to begin with)?  They're not even paying it lip service anymore.

Reporting facts and truth? Hahahahahaha. That's hysterical.

If we didn't have Elon Musk (for all his faults) buying and running X, imagine the levels of censorship they'd engage in.

I was suspended for several weeks back in 2020 after posting screenshots of the Hunter Biden laptop story from The New York Post. Why? It was -- at the time -- 'misinformation' and a violation of Twitter's 'hacked materials' policy.

The laptop story turned out to be true, and my account -- along with many others -- were restored.

Now we're watching in real time the media run cover for Kamala Harris -- from lying about her time as border czar to scrubbing her record as the Senate's most liberal member.

But it's not enough to bolster Kamala Harris. She's not only wildly unpopular, but 70% of respondents in a Frank Luntz focus group can't name a single accomplishment of Kamala's.

Not. One.

92% of voters, however, do believe she lied about Biden's cognitive condition. So we suppose that counts for something.

But back to Facebook and the media at large: this is incredibly dangerous. The blatant, open alteration of online news stories, databases, and the labeling of images as 'misinformation' when they're merely inconvenient to the Democratic Party should fill us all with concern.

The media will stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump, and it's only July. Kamala is not the official nominee yet, but when the honeymoon phase of her candidacy wears off, her poll numbers will slip. When she struggles in debates and on the campaign trail, they'll panic. The media will get increasingly desperate as they try to stop the spiral.

They are censoring history in real time, to try and push Kamala Harris into the White House.

And they think they're the good guys for doing so.


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