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Dear Diary: Jim Acosta Sucks Up to Biden White House, Says He Also Enjoys a Good Nap

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

It's been a fascinating week, hasn't it? To watch the Democratic Party and their media propagandists in absolute disarray over Biden's cognitive state is a sight to behold. Some are calling for him to step aside and others are desperately circling the wagons, hellbent on protecting the president at all costs.


After news that Biden -- who is 'dependable' only between 10 am and 4 pm -- was also taking naps during his 10-day Camp David debate prep, several journalists and Democrats said they, too, like naps.

No surprise which of those two groups Jim Acosta belongs to.

Good for you, Jim.

Yes, it has been.

This is going to be a recurring comment.

Or reporters who ask hard questions and do their jobs.




He sure would.

This will never get old.

You cannot bully them enough.

Totally normal.

Would not surprise us at all.


There's a difference, for sure.

The president has a job that matters.

And we are enjoying every moment of it.

He left the White House and went on to other things at CNN.

Clearly, he's doing a bang up job.

Like Rip Van Winkle.

You don't despise the media enough. You really don't.

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