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Whoopsy Daisy: Gun Control Organization Violates New Mexico Law With Gun Buy Back

AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File

New Mexicans Against Gun Violence (NMPGBV) really don't like guns. In fact, they'll go door-to-door to take guns from law-abiding citizens in exchange for gift cards.


You know, in the name of safety and gun control laws.

Except -- unsurprisingly -- they either didn't know the laws in New Mexico, or didn't care, because their little program seems to have violated them.

More from Townhall:

Apparently in New Mexico, it is acceptable to break gun control laws if the actions of the organizations benefit Governor Lujan’s plan to disarm New Mexicans. Recently, an organization called New Mexicans Against Gun Violence (NMPGV) violated New Mexico law by going door to door in Farmington and asked residents to volunteer to relinquish ownership of their firearms in exchange for gift cards. Initially partnered with the Farmington Police Department, the event was cancelled as it bypassed a city council decision for approval.  

Despite the cancellation, NMPGV took to the neighborhoods with $26,000 worth of gift cards and previously published offers of $100 gift cards for long guns & pistols, $200 for semi-automatic handguns and rifles or a $250 gift card for “assault weapons”.  During a radio interview, Miranda Viscoli, President of NMPGV, said that 9 firearms were surrendered and posted one photo across multiple social media platforms, showing five rifles from one home. She also stated that the non-profit typically has assistance from law enforcement to conduct the required background checks; however, law enforcement did not participate and NMPGV unlawfully took possession of the firearms.  


So -- when does NMPGV face consequences for violating gun laws? Seeing as, you know, they find guns so dangerous they can't be in the hands of law-abiding citizens?

Make popcorn, because it's very, very entertaining.

Yes, we gun owners are very curious to see what happens here.

This is excellent reporting. Where's the rest of the media on this?

We're positive this isn't the first group to flout gun laws, and they won't be the last.

Who will hold them accountable?

Where are the leftists screaming about saving one life?


'Rich' doesn't begin to describe it.

Our irony meter broke reading this story.

The Left is -- as always -- the party of 'do as we say, not as we do.'

We're guessing they'll, miraculously, be above the law.

Because this time it's (D)ifferent.

Remember the governor of New Mexico banned guns in Albuquerque and declared guns a 'public health emergency' (something she renewed in November, 'cause the Left never lets a crisis go to waste).

The tweet continues:

It's why the Obama administration can blame American gun owners for gun violence in Mexico while allowing the government to traffic firearms to Mexican cartels.It's why the Biden admin is handing out actual weapons of war to Ukraine like it's Halloween candy while banning Americans from owning the most popular and least criminally abused firearms: semi-auto, magazine-fed rifles.

All perfectly valid, and correct, points.

The Left doesn't want you to have guns. Ukraine? Mexican cartels? The IRS? Their private security? It's fine if they have guns. 


Just not you. Because your rights, your safety, your life isn't as important as theirs.

Could you imagine the outrage if the state goes after the people who sold the guns and not the gun control organization that broke the law?

That would be torches and pitchforks time.

Exactly. If you don't enforce the laws equally, the law is neutered and pointless.

Smart money says 'no', because some people are, in fact, above the law.

Intent and ignorance of the law will suddenly matter again.

No, they don't.

And they don't enforce the laws already on the books, which leads to more crime, and then they demand those who have committed no crime forfeit their rights in the name of 'safety.'


They are clowns. Lawbreaking clowns.

Pretty much sums it up.

But the Left never thinks their rules should be applied to them. They meltdown when they are held to the rules they force on everyone else.

It's a big, giant nope from us, too.

But they meant well! That should count for something!

Or at least that's the argument they'll use.

It's a very good incentive, if the laws were applied equally and fairly.


But no one is above the law, right, leftists?

Will anyone -- from local law enforcement to the FBI -- look into this? File charges? 

Anyone else would've been arrested and thrown in jail by now.

The tweet continues:

These people basically had no idea what an FFL was nor their purpose. They also didn't know what the process was for purchasing a firearm.

Yet they went door to door buying people's firearms and then not following the rules of their destruction as per ATF rules. (Fxck the ATF by the way.)

The police have opened an investigation, but the democrat gov shows little to no interest or involvement. (Obviously.)

2a should be absolute and there should be no involvement from government. Criminals buy guns every day and hurt/kxll people, but the legal gun owner gets persecuted like they're the criminals.


And that is the problem: actual criminals get off with light sentences, gun laws aren't enforced against actual acts of violence or flagrant lawbreaking, but legal, law-abiding gun owners get prosecuted.

This is also setting aside the fact the Second Amendment is pretty clear that gun rights shall not be infringed.

Even the 'reasonable' gun laws the Left wants are unequally enforced. As this case out of New Mexico shows.


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