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DeSantis War Room drops brutal take-down video on Charlie Crist's "I don't want your vote" speech

The DeSantis War Room Twitter account lived up to to it’s name with this absolutely brutal take-down of Charlie Crist:


Charlie Crist claims he’s running on a “love vs. hate” platform. It’s not clear how a candidate telling those who support the incumbent Governor that they have hate in their heart is a winning strategy, but by all means do run with it.

As Twitchy readers know, this message is quite the flip-flop from just a few days ago:

What a difference, indeed.

It’s important to note that the DeSantis supporters in the video are all  happy, proud, patriots who love their country and their state and yes, their Governor.

A fact that Miami Herald journalist Mary Ellen Klas seemed to be a bit confused by:


A very quick comeback, and a fantastic one.

Probably best not to criticize other organization’s tone when your own colleagues tweet things like this:

This is an absolutely disgusting thing to say, but it’s DeSantis and his supporters who are the hateful ones, right?

Well said.

As for the effectiveness of the video, well:


It sure is.

Good luck to Charlie Crist with this absolute loser of a message. We say that with all the love in our hearts.






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