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Bada-Bing, Bada-BOOM! The Official Sopranos Twitter/X Account ‘Whacks’ Joe Biden


Yesterday, we had a lot of fun with this post from the official Joe Biden account:


But because unlike the President, we can’t time travel, so when we published that prior piece, we didn’t know that one of the most brutal responses was yet to come:

That would be from the official Sopranos TV show Twitter/X account, quoting Tony Soprano as saying, ‘If you gotta keep saying you’re the boss, you’re not the boss.’

Now, to be fair, we assume Joe Biden doesn’t write his own posts on Twitter/X. We are not saying that just because we think his brain is Jello, but because most politicians don’t compose their own posts on social media. Still, even if Biden didn’t literally write that, he has been saying that sort of thing all over the place, so…

And for the record, to whoever is writing Joe Biden’s posts on Twitter/X, Joe is not the nominee of the Democratic Party. They haven’t held that vote, yet, and the outcome of that process might be in doubt in a way it normally isn’t this late in the process. And Joe is the President today, but under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, that can change very quickly.

Do we have to tell you that there were a lot of reactions to that Sopranos post?

Now, we are curious what the proposed community note said.


It’s hard to read but we have been seeing this meme a lot in the last week or so. The first page is from the Washington Post on Wednesday, August 7, 1974 with the headline ‘Nixon Says He Won’t Resign.’ The second is from August 9, 1974, two days later, saying ‘Nixon Resigns.’

Whether Soprano is a hypocrite or not, the sentiment is behind that meme is true. 

Or to mangle a phrase from the Bard: ‘The President doth protest too much, methinks.’

Whatever you think of Biden as a human being back when he had all his marbles, he isn’t that man anymore and he deserves appropriate care. He should no longer be in office, even if we are about as enthused about a President Harris as we are about a new rash.

A lot of replies were also quoting The Game of Thrones:


Man, those HBO series are really harsh on Biden.

We hate to be ‘that guy’ but you have to be careful with Internet quotes. This is one is close but according to British Vogue, the actual quote is this: 

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

… and wow, does that take on new meaning in the age of transgenderism and ‘use my preferred pronouns or you are fired,’ or what?

We admit, the moment we saw that, we changed the title of this piece.

Yes, this is trolling by the definition of ‘every time you say something that hurts my side or argument, it’s trolling.’ *rolls eyes*

Literally, the 25th Amendment says he can be removed by the Vice President and a majority of ‘the principal officers of the executive departments’ working together. We’re not sure if that counts as a politburo, but it sounds very similar.


Again, we wouldn’t call that a troll.


The alleged translation, with some censorship reads:

It is the most accurate thing you are going to read about true leadership and power. So stop being an a—hole reading Marcus Aurelius as if you understood something he says.

It’s pretty cool that we live in a time that someone can write something on Twitter/X in any language in the world, and there’s a good chance someone else can just click on a button and get a translation that gets the thought across. And, frankly, Google translate tends to be unintentionally hilarious.


Truth. The Lincoln Project hardest hit.

That’s a funny reference, because a plotline in the show involved Uncle Junior faking dementia in order to try to keep himself out of prison:

And we admit we haven’t watched the show for a while, but if we remember correctly, later on he got the real thing but Tony wasn’t sure if he was faking it. Is Julian suggesting that Biden is faking it? *shrugs*



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