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Something STINKS: MSNBC Interview With Man Who Claims TX Abortion Law Almost Killed His Wife Seems SUS

Fuzzy Chimp

The more we see, read, and hear from Ryan Hamilton and his claims about the Texas Abortion law keeping his wife from getting miscarriage care the more something just isn't sitting right. And the fact he won't implicate the doctors who clearly broke the law if they did not provide the care his wife needed is so strange.


Not to mention how desperate the guy is to use his wife's story to play politics.

Watch this:

The law is not the problem.

The law is clear.

Miscarriages are not abortions and if the doctors truly refused to provide care for her then they should be held accountable. And yet he just wants to keep going on Lefty outlets to babble about THE LAW. You'd think in a situation such as his he'd want the doctors to be held responsible.

Weird, right?

They can't.


What hospital? Which doctors? Why isn't he holding them all accountable? Why is he just playing politics?

All of it just seems off.

Seems we're not the only ones who think there's something weird here.


And he's an attorney, just sayin'.

Almost as if this guy cares more about politics than what actually happened to his family. Surely he's not trying to start a campaign or movement, right?




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