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'Biden Is Toast': Politico Can't Spin Joe Biden's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Debate



We have to tell you, Twitchy readers, we haven't seen a dumpster fire in a LONG time like the fallout from Joe Biden's absolute disaster of a debate performance last night. 


And the hilarious part is ... it is the LEFT that is completely imploding in the wake of Biden's debate Hindenberg. 

Twitchy has already had a lot of coverage on the train wreck and there's still much more to come. We're going to have to break it all up into small segments because one article simply can't do the schadenfreude justice. 

One of the funniest moments in the immediate aftermath last night came from Politico, which has carried more water for Biden over the past three years than the Roman aqueducts. But after last night, all of that water broke like the Hoover Dam being hit with a Tomahawk missile.

Politico summed it up with three simple words: Biden. Is. Toast.

It really must have hurt them to put this article out. Here are some more details: 

President Joe Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump.

Many of the president’s answers were hard to follow. At one point, seemingly losing his train of thought, Biden said “we finally beat Medicare,” misspeaking about his own policy on earned benefits.

In text messages with POLITICO, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event. One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it 'terrible,' adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over 'What did he just say? This is crazy.' 

Another veteran Democratic operative texted, 'Biden seems to have needed a few minutes to warm up. I wonder if the lack of an audience was the right decision. And poor guy needs a tea. Maybe a whiskey.'

Jay Surdukowski, an attorney and Democratic activist from New Hampshire who co-chaired Martin O’Malley’s 2016 presidential campaign in the state, said, 'Biden is toast — calling it now.'


Holy s***, LOL. 

And this is why we don't hate the media enough. All normal Americans have seen with our own eyes -- throughout Biden's presidency but especially in the last year -- how unfit and mentally unwell he is. But the dutiful media lapdogs have all spun the lie that 'he's fine, everything is fine' as Biden has wandered off, mentally and physically, on multiple occasions. We were told that those instances were all 'cheap fakes' and that Biden was secretly sharp as a tack behind closed doors. 

But now they can't hide it anymore. 

Many people responded to Politico with this exact question. Because OF COURSE they noticed before. They would just never admit it. Now, they have to, as Democrats are in a full-blown panic.  


Hey, we thought that was The Washington Post's name. Oh well, plenty of DC publications can share it, not to mention national cable TV networks. 

We can't tell you how many times we saw this GIF from Rocky IV last night, both during the debate and after it had concluded. 

It sounds like a lot of Democrats are finally ready to throw in the towel. But just as in the case when Apollo Creed fought Ivan Drago in that movie, it may be too late. 

The last line in the Politico article is this: 

One prominent operative texted, 'Time for an open convention.'

Ouch. Major ouch. 

The calls -- from the left -- for Biden to be replaced on the 2024 ticket are coming in loud and fast this morning. 

We don't know if the Democrats will do that. All we know is watching them try to put out the unextinguishable tire fire that is President Joe Biden is going to be entertaining as hell to watch over the coming days and weeks. 


Stock up on popcorn. 

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