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CNN Host SHOCKED Biden Knew 'Every One of These Questions Was Coming' but STILL Blew It

Meme screenshot

At this point it's generally agreed in all but the most loyal of Biden superfan circles that the president lost Thursday night's debate, and badly

Let’s say it right now: Donald Trump might have won the 2024 election tonight. You’d think President Joe Biden would have at least a good performance for one-third or even two-thirds of the debate. That never happened. Biden was incapable of delivering cogent and coherent remarks about the cornerstones of his presidency. He was incapable of defending what little legislative wins he clinched during his first term and was lost trying to pivot and deflect from the pointed attacks from Donald Trump.


Now the excuses will start to pour in. 

The lefty loyalists will blame it on Biden having a cold:

Oh, sure, sure!

Meanwhile, even lefties like MSNBC's Joy Reid are sounding the Democrat alarm. 

On CNN, the cable net that hosted the debate, host Erin Burnett was surprised that Biden performed so badly even though he knew what was coming: 

Actually, we wouldn't be shocked if Biden knew exactly what was going to be thrown his way, and he still blew it.


That wouldn't be a shocker. 

That's totally open to interpretation (cue massive eye roll).

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