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Can't Fix STUPID --> Gavin Newsom Bragging About Securing California's Border Goes SOOO Brutally Wrong

Adapted from Gavin Newsom by Gage Skidmore (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)

Look at that, Gavin Newsom is claiming to have secured the California border. Well, not really ... he's talking about fentanyl while ignoring the criminals and thugs flowing over his border bringing it into the country.


Anything to dunk on the GOP though, right Gav?

Doing the work.


Hands up if you think Gavin believes it will be him running against Trump and not Biden this November.

But but but ... they're doing the work! Gavin said so!

Dooood, now we can't unsee this.

Thanks a lot.



It's easy to play with the truth when you clearly don't care about the truth and know the people who vote for you are too ignorant to know the truth.

When you're in charge of a s**thole like California you better be good at lying.

Not to mention a big lie.

How dare you sir?! Don't you know math and numbers are both racist?! The nerve.


As most Democrats are.



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