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Let the DRAGGING begin! Eric Swalwell's dig at Republicans over Ukraine maybe his dumbest YET

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

We can't help but wonder if Eric Swalwell is trying to deflect from the scoop that was dropped about him and Fang Fang earlier this week. Did you guys see that? If not, we got you. Pay special attention to what the FBI thought about his and Fang Fang's relationship.


Then read this eye-roll-inducing tweet:


He's full of it.

But you guys knew that. According to the Community Note sitting on his crap tweet, this is what they ACTUALLY did:

An amendment to the NDAA proposed by Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA), failed to pass by an 89-341 vote. The amendment sought to reduce the amount of Congressionally authorized funds for Ukraine by $ 300 million. $75b has been spent in support of Ukraine by the USA.

Either he's completely ignorant of how this works OR he's lying his arse off to appeal to the dummies who still think he's worthwhile.

Probably a little bit of both.

Interesting how war-thirsty the Democrats are lately, eh?

Let's not pretend Eric or any Democrat really give a crap about the American taxpayer.


Crazy, right? Californians (especially Democrats) do so love to vote based on name recognition though.


Yes. Yes he is.



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