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Monday Morning Meme Madness
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Where Are the Rest of Them? FL Democrats Get Dragged for PATHETIC Pic...
It's Just So BAD: Mary Katharine Ham Reads Latest 'Hilarious' Headlines From the...
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UC Santa Cruz 'Students for Justice in Palestine' Basically Demand Jews Be Removed...
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Meteorologist and PhD Ryan Maue mocks Democratic pres candidate's climate change rhetoric and it's GLORIOUS

We get the feeling Ryan Maue was less than impressed with the Democrats during last night’s debate, particularly when it came to their talking points on climate change which of course makes sense since he’s a meteorologist and actually understands how this stuff works.


World salad … yummy yummy.

Wait, The Wiggles sang ‘Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy.’

Our bad.

And WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIIIIIIIIIIE. Yup, that sums up the Left’s narrative.

Imagine the ego someone has to have to think we can ‘save’ the planet.

Paging AOC.

Oh, and as for Kamala talking about suing fossil fuel companies, she lied. She did not sue Exxon.

When is Yang not incomprehensible?

Booker and his veganism will save us all. No?

Yes, the CNN Climate Town Hall covered all of this and it was just as stupid the second time around.



Or something.


‘Oh just SHUT UP’: AOC rampages after New Faces GOP’s ad calls out her socialist BS, makes ironic claim about the GOP

For the WIN! Pat Sajak summed up the entire #DemDebate with 1 PRICELESS tweet and he didn’t even need to buy a vowel

‘Remarkable how many questions Warren refuses to answer’: Kimberley Strassel’s #DemDebate thread brilliantly BRUTAL

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