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Team Kamala Tells Jake Tapper Her Schedule is Much Too Busy to Take...
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"Can't. Stop. Laughing." The Onion TROLLS CNN and it's a BRUTALLY hilarious masterpiece

Just yesterday Twitchy covered The Onion blasting Rahm Emanuel and gun control harpies in general and here we are again today covering their latest take on CNN.


Or maybe we should call it a ‘troll’ of CNN.

It’s spectacular, doncha think?

The Onion wins again.

From The Onion:

CNN Anchors Brooke Baldwin and Dana Bash reportedly sat speechless Thursday after their guest Dr. Gina Jimenez went on a long, coherent thought, unleashing a tirade of articulate points completely relevant to the topic at hand. “Dr. Jimenez, if I could just quickly interrupt you for a moment—could you please go back and rephrase that last remark as a bit more of a muddled, unhinged rant?” said Bash, breaking the moment of stunned silence that resulted after the Stanford constitutional law professor laid out a clear thesis backed up by logically consistent supporting arguments, all while maintaining a calm and pleasant demeanor throughout.



Truth hurts.

PS: They tweeted this earlier today as well:

They’re onto something here, folks.


She’s got FAIL! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s LATEST allegation against ICE her most DESPERATE yet

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