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Truth-BOMB! Colion Noir sums up every gun grabber's argument in 1 perfect tweet, sets off WHINE-A-LANCHE

Reading NRA spokesman Colion Noir’s timeline one gets the idea that he has had several ‘discussions’ with gun grabbers because he summed them and their go-to arguments up PERFECTLY in one tweet.


If you’ve tried to argue with any sort of gun control advocate you will immediately relate to this:


Forget trying to have a rational debate with these folks, they have one goal and one goal only, take our firearms. Don’t let them feed you any other BS about common sense gun laws because that’s exactly what it is … BS.

We have tens of thousands of common sense gun laws on the books already and clearly, they’re not stopping gun violence in schools.

An AR-15 isn’t used in war.

And what the heck is a tea agent? Is that someone that makes sure you have lemon with your tea?



Because guns don’t just magically jump up and fire themselves.

No matter how hard you try and convince us they do.

Another awesome piece from Colion’s timeline:

This person again, really?

Keep speaking your truth, Colion!


GROW a pair! Elliott Hamilton EMASCULATES Michael Ian Black in back-and-forth about masculinity

Like a BOSS! Colion Noir takes on HORDE of frothy gun grabbing blue-checks who can’t DEAL with his truth

‘Who the HELL gave him THAT authority?’ Colion Noir calls David Hogg OUT, triggers Shannon Watts

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