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CBS News' Major Garrett Says Hunter Biden's Conviction Was Painful for the Nation

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File

It's usually President Joe Biden who brings up his son Beau's death out of context to pander to whichever audience he's speaking to. If he's speaking to a Gold Star family, he tells them he knows what they're going through because he lost a son in Iraq. Biden was in Colorado in 2022 declaring a national monument when he claimed Beau "lost his life in Iraq." The following month, Biden misspoke and swapped Iraq for Ukraine, explaining that Iraq was on his mind "because that's where my son died." He made the claim again the following summer.


Biden's other son, Hunter, was convicted on three federal gun charges this morning, a couple of hours before Biden gave a speech about gun control before Everytown’s Gun Sense University. CBS News' Major Garrett, who wrote a book claiming that the 2020 election was "the greatest success of American democracy in history," wants you to know he's in mourning with you over the verdict, because the president's family is America's family, and it's painful for all of us.

Oh, and he brings up Beau.



It's a dark day for the nation, but the mainstream media will help us pull through.


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