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Thing That Isn't Happening Keeps Happening: More Than 100 NON-CITIZENS Voted in DC's 2024 Primary


The Left tells us voter fraud isn't happening, and we shouldn't be concerned about it because it's a 'right-wing conspiracy'. Except it keeps happening. And keeps happening. And keeps happening.


Weird, huh?

Anyway, that thing that isn't happening happened at least 100 times in DC in the 2024 primaries:

More from Leading Report:

Based on the updated, post-primary data, and information from the D.C. Board of Elections website, the turnout rate in the primary among non-U.S. citizen registrants was 19.3%, compared to a 25.9% turnout rate among U.S. citizen registrants.

Records previously obtained by Judicial Watch include a Board of Elections meeting transcript explaining that non-citizens are not required to have an ID to vote. If they lack proof of residence when registering to vote or voting for the first time, they can vote by “Special Ballot.” Additionally, a “Voting Guide for Incarcerated Residents” indicates that prisoners are allowed to vote.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated, “The fact that 113 foreign nationals voted in the presidential primary in Washington, D.C., is a national scandal, is an insult to every American voter, and may be a violation of federal law.”


Remember how the Democratic Party worked to destroy the SAVE Act? Because they said it was already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections?

Good times.

Voter integrity needs to be a priority for any administration.

Hard to conclude otherwise.

Yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's headline.

Totes secure.

They should be. But they won't.

It's exhausting and extremely unfair.


This would be nice. Some accountability would be incredible.

Possibly. Would not surprise us.

It shouldn't be possible to cheat in the first place.

It needs to be fixed ASAP.

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