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Acosta, Rubin and Other Legacy Media Castoffs Risk Turning Substack into a Haven for Has-Beens

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

From its inception, legacy media ‘journalists’ have labeled Substack a haven for extremism. With their old outlets now crumbling, these same ‘journos’ are rushing to Substack to find relevancy in the changing media landscape. Surprise!


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That ‘journalists’ are lying, hypocrites should shock no one.

These proud peacocks of the dying legacy media are about to get their feathers extremely ruffled. No, it’s worst - they’re about to be completely plucked!


The turnaround from ‘Substack is full of racists’ to ‘Where do I sign up’ is hilarious to behold. Commenters are laughing.

We’ve already seen Jim Acosta’s awkward transition from CNN anchor to Substack ‘star.’ It’s bad. The Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen show is equally horrible. Substack used to be hip. The influx of legacy media 'journos' could soon make it a haven for has-beens.

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