It’s not as if asking why you’d continue doing something that doesn’t work was enough. No. Barack Obama had to go for broke during his campaign speech today in Virginia, compelled to drop yet another “do as I say, not as I do” line.
Add one more moment to the legacy of “responsibility” His Arrogance has worked on in earnest since he, ahem, “fixed the economy.” That Bain Truther certificate thing? It’s becoming the Bain of the president’s existence, a broken record he can’t stop himself from spinning despite the huge gouges causing the needle to skip.
Naturally, Twitter users were all over the Liar-in-Chief’s hypocrisy, once again.
OMG. Does this guy even know who he is? You're the PRESIDENT, dipshit. Are you taking responsibility for the economy?
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 13, 2012
@markknoller Kinda like a pres is responsible for the state the country is in.
— michael (@michaeljames86) July 13, 2012
Obama isn't responsible for ANYTHING during his term. But at Bain, Romney is responsible for EVERYTHING that ever happened. #LibLogic
— Razor (@hale_razor) July 13, 2012
What’s Mitt Romney to do in the face of an onslaught about his record when the sitting president doesn’t have a record of his own to talk about?
Well, a gun-slinging Romney can fire right back.
"This is reckless and absurd on his part," said Romney, "and it’s something that’s beneath his dignity."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 13, 2012
Hmmm. Recklessness. That brings up a good point. If the president wants to blather on about responsibility and all, he should look in the mirror, especially since he consistently ignores that wee little matter of Brian Terry’s death that occured during his watch, among other trifling realities of American life under Obama.
Obama says the "Buck stops with the CEO." Good, I guess he won't object to taking the blame for Fast and Furious, the economy, etc. then.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) July 13, 2012
Besides, the real question isn’t when Romney left Bain Capital.
Rush: When Did Romney Leave Bain? Who Cares? When Will Obama Leave the White House? #tcot #lnyhbt
— Pam Besteder (@pambesteder) July 13, 2012
Not that Romney would pull an Obama and betray his own dignity, but there is one sniggering return for every attack Obama serves his way.
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