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The Dodgers really hope you'll join them for Christian Faith and Family Day (we wish we were joking)

The L.A. Dodgers recently found themselves in hot water — deservedly so, we should add — for caving to the radical LGBTQ+ mob and reinviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to Pride Night this June, where the Sisters would be recognized for all their great work in the community. Because apparently the L.A. community has benefited greatly from decades of drag performers mocking the crucifixion or something.


Anyway, it’s really not a great look for the Dodgers, and it’s pretty clear that they’re desperate for some image rehab right now. Maybe this’ll do the trick:

We’d certainly be interested in some more details. Mainly the detail about how bad this actually looks.

There’s nothing inherently cringe about hosting a Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium. But when you host it after making a very public point to defend and promote a group like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, well … let’s just say it’s more than a little awkward.

This reeks of desperation. Unfortunately, the laws of physics prevent you from putting the toothpaste back in the tube, and the Dodgers’ toothpaste is all over the place.


Inquiring minds want to know. Not that it even matters at this point. The Dodgers already dug their grave.




Teachers’ union’s fruitful demand that Dodgers reinvite anti-Catholic group sounds kinda death threat-y


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