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Bill Kristol's grateful for Asa Hutchinson and Joe Biden, 'two reasonable, pro-democracy candidates'

It’s official: Joe Biden is running for re-election.

Although it’s important to note that there’s a nonzero chance that he actually  has no idea he’s running …

Anyway, now that we’re off to the races, it’s time to check in with our old pal Bill Kristol, who’s just … off. Seriously, he’s lost several screws over the past several years and while I guess I can’t say that this take surprises me given the loss of said screws, it’s still kind of difficult to wrap my brain around this tweet:

You guys.

Maybe not the intentional kind.

Asa Hutchinson is a doofus who decided that the best way to make people remember that he existed was to join The Resistance. And obviously he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of securing the GOP nomination, though he’s kind enough to try to make the crop of GOP candidates large enough to ensure that Trump has a real shot at the nomination. It’s only natural that Bill Kristol would love that about him, being that Bill wants very badly for Trump to be the 2024 GOP nominee.

That way, The Bulwark gets to stay in business, and Joe Biden ultimately gets re-elected. Never mind that Joe Biden is far from reasonable and has repeatedly sought out to demonize — if not outright silence or punish — anyone who could even potentially stand in the way of his God-awful policies.

Or about Bill Kristol, for that matter.

Bill Kristol has sold his soul to the highest bidder. Just straight-up endorsing Joe Biden now without even hiding behind the “Conserving Conservatism” façade.

As I recall, I felt bad when The Weekly Standard folded, because it had been such a fixture in conservative media for so long. But seeing what’s become of Bill Kristol in the time since has made me seriously reconsider any sympathy I had. As outlets like National Review have shown, it’s possible to be critical of Donald Trump or even aspects of the Republican Party without excusing or defending or endorsing Joe Biden or Democrats. But poor Bill, as brilliant as he thinks he is, somehow hasn’t managed to figure that out. Either that or what he’s figured out is that he can make way more money by selling out his alleged principles. In any event, I’m getting really, really tired of this guy.



Bill Kristol’s initial take on the Chinese spy balloon has aged as well as his conservative cred

Bill Kristol observes that ‘anti-wokes’ like Ben Shapiro & Ron DeSantis seem way worse than Woke Mob


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