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Bill Kristol expects people to believe that 'almost none of the serious criticism of Biden's student loan proposal is from Republicans'

Ever since President Joe Biden announced his intention to just wipe out between $10,000 and $20,000 of student loan debt “with the flick of a pen,” we’ve been arguing until we’re blue in the face about why that’s a terrible and illegal and terrible move. We’ve actually been arguing that since before he announced it.


And we’re going to continue to make that argument, along with a whole bunch of other conservatives and conservative-leaning folks who aren’t falling for the Biden administration and Democrats’ generosity act.

And Bill Kristol is going to continue to be willfully ignorant about what’s actually going on:

What? No, seriously. What the hell, Bill?

TDS is very real, and once you’re infected, it’s all but impossible to recover from. Clearly Bill Kristol has no intent on even trying to recover. He’s just embraced it full-on. This is his life now. This is who he is.


OK, fair enough.

But let’s face it: Bill Kristol’s full of baloney, any way you slice it.


He probably sleeps pretty well, actually. Not having a conscience to keep him up at night probably helps a lot.

Parting evergreen tweet:



‘The truth will set you free’! Principled Conservative™ Bill Kristol ‘finally said what we all knew out loud’

Bill Kristol suggests that Republicans’ objections to raid on Trump’s home are evidence of ‘insurrectionist’ GOP’s ‘unabashed extremism’


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