Earlier, we told you about Nina Jankowicz’s tragic tale of woe on CNN last night about how her ability to lead the Biden administration’s fight against disinformation was undermined “by a disinformation campaign” she never saw coming, a campaign from people who are willing to risk national security in order to make her look bad.
Nina Jankowicz: "unfortunately and ironically we were undone exactly by a disinformation campaign coming from folks who apparently want to put our national security behind their own personal political ambitions." pic.twitter.com/68i4HExmjt
— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) May 20, 2022
We don’t really understand what she’s complaining about. She may have lost her shot at being Joe Biden’s Disinformation Czar, but at least she’s got a promising career on the mainstream media circuit!
Here she is again, this time on CBS News, doubling down on her assertion that her resignation from the Disinformation Governance Board poses a grave threat to America’s national security:
Biden’s aborted Truth Czar (@wiczipedia): “The Disinformation Governance Board was the victim of disinformation … [Critics] completely mischaracterized its mission. Frankly, this childish behavior is endangering our national security now.” pic.twitter.com/oWSxFAfEC9
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 20, 2022
She’s found her talking points and she’s stickin’ to ’em.
Jankowicz: “I'm 38 weeks pregnant. Not that that saves me from criticism but … I don't deserve death threats for my public service to the country … I'm happy to take one for the country when it comes to protecting our national security & putting these issues at the forefront" pic.twitter.com/GrO51Ba0aA
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 20, 2022
Congratulations to Jankowicz on her pregnancy. Truly.
But that’s really the only nice thing we have to say about her. She’s trying to use her pregnancy to make herself an even bigger victim than she made herself out to be a few days ago when she resigned. Losing her leadership at DHS is the opposite of a risk to national security, because we’ve seen what she has a tendency to do with a microphone and a platform, and it’d only be a matter of time before she said something that could get us into trouble somehow. We kind of wanted to nuke ourselves after watching those musical videos she posted.
Jankowicz says her political beliefs were always “checked at the door” of DHS.
“It is quite ironic that Republicans decontextualized a couple of tweets … & parts of my personal life that have been picked on in this childish game in order to endanger our national security" pic.twitter.com/NBy0qCxgcq
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 20, 2022
Almost as ironic as Nina Jankowicz screeching about the scourge of disinformation while pushing disinformation herself!
It was Senate Democrats who cancelled her hearing. https://t.co/eKPCZoVjkY
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 20, 2022
Forget it; she’s rolling.
Criticizing me is a threat to national security. https://t.co/eKPCZoVjkY
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 20, 2022
No way in hell or on earth did Nina Jankowicz check her political beliefs at the door. We call disinformation! Again.
OMG that blink rate. Liar lying. https://t.co/6E7diqd7OC
— Stone (@StoneAxe8) May 20, 2022
She is blinking a lot, isn’t she?
Proposed: The reliance on partisan "fact checking" has severely broken mainstream Democrats' ability to formulate an argument. https://t.co/TEllWzcrsW
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 20, 2022
There is a rhetorical advantage to saying "that is out of context" but only if your opponent thinks you're saying this honestly. Then you can both argue about context while everyone else gets bored and wanders away.
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) May 20, 2022
That sounds about right.
— Mack (@Mackthebuilder) May 20, 2022
We’re sure she’ll land on her feet at some point.
I love her. I never want her to go away. I hope CNN gives her a show.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 20, 2022
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