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Garbage person Brian Stelter applauds garbage network NBC for shamelessly kissing ChiCom butt

NBC is Olympics Central. We’ve all been on pins and needles wondering how the respected news network would walk the delicate line between sports commentary and acknowledgment that China is a human-rights hellhole.


According to Reuters, NBC’s struck a pretty darn good balance:

“Alleged human rights abuses.” We’re sure that will come as a relief to the Uyghurs, who have been under the impression that they’ve been imprisoned in slave labor camps, where they are humiliated, beaten, tortured, forcibly sterilized, and raped.

More from Reuters:

China denies allegations of genocide or other human rights abuses, and says its camps in Xinjiang provide vocational training and are needed to fight extremism.

Throughout the opening ceremony, NBC turned to experts to explain the gravity of Western governments’ and human rights groups’ allegations against China for its treatment of ethnic minorities.

“They allege that this is a massive program of social engineering aimed at suppressing Muslim Uyghur culture, language, tradition, identity,” said Andy Browne, editorial director of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum and one of two China experts hired by NBC for its broadcast. “They allege a host of human rights abuses, forced labor, coercive birth control practices, indoctrination, and that this all adds up to a form of cultural genocide.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter, for one, thinks that NBC deserves recognition for whitewashing the Chinese government’s brutality. Because that’s what Real News™ is, Mr. President:

And Brian Stelter deserves recognition for being a garbage hack with absolutely no shame to speak of.

Seriously, what a piece of crap. This is nothing to applaud:

Nor is this:

The fact that NBC News mentioned that China has some issues isn’t worth anything unless they hold China accountable.


Brian Stelter is serious, but he’s not a serious person.

At least we know where Brian stands on this stuff.

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