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Perhaps Jake Tapper would like to explain to Ted Cruz why it's totally OK to pose with a group of unmasked CNN employees at a sweater party [pics]

It’s that time of year again! Time for the CNN’s Christmas sweater contest.

“The Lead” and “State of the Union” anchor Jake Tapper has been tweeting out photos, including group photos, of course:


Took masks off for the photos, huh?

Are you sure it was a good idea to take masks off? Even if you were all vaccinated?

Well, that dude on our left looks like he’s sort of socially distancing. Maybe the gal on our right, too. But Jake Tapper is not. He’s right smack-dab in the middle of group of possible COVID19 spreaders in close proximity to one another.

It seems like only yesterday when Jake Tapper was trying really hard — and ultimately failing — to get Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar to call out GOP Sen. Ted Cruz for not wearing a mask at Bob Dole’s funeral. Tapper did this while sitting near Sen. Klobuchar and not wearing a mask.


Both Sen. Klobuchar and Sen. Cruz are fully vaccinated. Just like Tapper and his sweater-clad coworkers. If Cruz was literally putting Klobuchar’s life at risk by sitting near her unmasked, what is Jake Tapper doing by posing with a group of coworkers unmasked? Isn’t he literally putting even more lives at risk than Ted Cruz did?

Cruz was already questioning Tapper’s motives:

But with the sweater photo, he’s really at a loss for what’s going on:

It’s all so confusing!

Unless, of course, you understand that some unmasked vaccinated people are more equal than others.

Never fails.


The science hasn’t changed; it’s what’s being done with it that’s changed. Science and data were once the end all be all, the ultimate answer to any question. Now it’s being corrupted and manipulated to push false narratives and agendas.


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