Where would we be without Twitter looking out for our best interests and wellbeing?
Dana Loesch tweeted today about the Biden administration’s proposal to allow the IRS to monitor both personal and business banking transactions in excess of $600.
Exactly. How is the monitoring of account transactions not a quasi backdoor registry? https://t.co/7PiiN31E1s
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 6, 2021
Apparently Twitter thought that discussions about that particular topic could prove to be a little too much for some people:
What is the world… is this a new twit notification or have I just not seen it yet? pic.twitter.com/JtUkIKMEri
— Chad Smith (@ChadSmith_nwa) October 6, 2021
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 6, 2021
WTH, indeed?
But this appears to be a thing:
Twitter is working on a “Heads Up” for potentially intense conversations pic.twitter.com/7JSYhmy96G
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) August 1, 2021
As if Twitter wasn’t already utterly ridiculous.
LMAO @Twitter put a warning label on President Biden’s tweet.
“Heads Up Conversations like this can be intense” is the new “Enter at your own risk” pic.twitter.com/7NOWTPLogR
— SonnyinSeattle (@SonnyinSeattle_) October 6, 2021
Haha your tweet came with the warning “Heads up, conversations like this can be intense” 😂
— DesertDan78 (@DesertDan78) October 6, 2021
“Conversations like this can be intense” pic.twitter.com/xJ2nRRPSlj
— Joe (@Joe__Byrnes) October 6, 2021
Seeing the warning label “Heads Up – Conversations like this can be intense” on anyone’s post mentioning Biden pic.twitter.com/yFiACR0cDU
— StreetCitizen (@StreetCitizen) October 6, 2021
New Twitter label underneath this tweet, “Conversations like this can be intense”
Twitter is a fight club of hot takes, bad ideas, and assumptions. You know that going in and let’s not pretend it’s anything but. Kill or be killed https://t.co/r5ovCEFCRc pic.twitter.com/RHzXhex0w9
— Legal Investor (@Legal_Investor) October 6, 2021
Thanks for your concern, Twitter, but we’re just fine.
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