Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, recently shared a “not-so-fun fact about D.C.” with her Twitter followers:
Not-so-Fun Fact about DC: A lot of the “principled” political commentators you see promoting “democracy” on MSNBC and in the Washington Post opinion pages, are paid five-figures per month to lobby for brutal autocratic regimes in countries most Americans have never heard of.
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 26, 2021
(And if it’s an autocratic regime in a well-known country, it’s more like 6 figures per month)
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 26, 2021
If you know what you’re looking for, you can find some of them by searching this database. But some are more sophisticated and find loopholes to avoid FARA registration.
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 26, 2021
Good thing The Bulwark’s Christian Vanderbrouk was there to tease out the best possible takeaway from Pushaw’s tweets:
How revealing that Ron DeSantis’ spokesperson is more focused on discrediting pro-democracy advocates as opposed to proponents of Trump’s Big Lie.
— Christian Vanderbrouk (@UrbanAchievr) September 26, 2021
Pro-democracy advocates like Vanderbrouk’s pal and fellow thought leader genius Tom Nichols, who has refused every single opportunity presented to him to acknowledge that Taiwan is a country? Those kinds of pro-democracy advocates, Christian?
And yet what she says is actually true; we know the names, we know the dirt.
What of that? Before we just handwave it all away, I mean.
— Jeff B. is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) September 27, 2021
Christian would like nothing more than to than to handwave it all away. Anything to avoid having to admit that Christina Pushaw is right about his friends and heroes.
Which part of her tweet is a lie?
— Jason Jones (@psujwj) September 27, 2021
So is what she says actually true?
Why not deal with that question instead of bringing up Trump yet again in an issue that has absolutely nothing to do with him?
— SarahAnnRhoades (@SarahAnnRhoades) September 27, 2021
Um, if they are simultaneously lobbying for autocratic regimes across the world they are not "pro-democracy" in any tangible sense. Her exposing people like you is precisely correct. You can't be pro-democracy and also pro-autocracy. How revealing, indeed.
— Just Phil Again (@RealPhillyP) September 27, 2021
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