MSNBC’s Joy Reid is sick and tired of the media — including, incidentally, her own network — falling victim to “Missing White Woman Syndrome.”
See, if it were up to Joy Reid, there’d be wall-to-wall coverage of every missing BIPOC case. Make no mistake about that!
Here’s how you can tell:
Weird. @JoyAnnReid complains about the lack of coverage on missing minority girls, but only has 4 tweets about them since she opened the account in 2009.
2 are jokes about The Walking Dead, 1 about Boko Haram & 1 about missing girls in DC in 2018. She should talk about it more.
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) September 23, 2021
Huh. Guess Joy Reid actually isn’t all that concerned about missing BIPOC after all.
It's too bad Joy doesn't have a TV show or media connections where she could highlight missing people as much as she wants.
— ArmaliteAR-180B 🇻🇦 (@ArSpade) September 23, 2021
At the very least, she could have been using her considerable Twitter platform to raise awareness.
The time traveling hackers deleted those 1000s of tweets to make her look bad today
— Cave Beater (@cavebeater) September 23, 2021
Fair point. That’s definitely a possibility.
@JoyAnnReid Homophobe and a hypocrite.
— Zombie Mencken (@UisgeGamer) September 23, 2021
Same as she ever was.
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