Portland’s sterling reputation has taken a bit of a tumble over the past few years, but the City of Roses would just like Americans to know that they’re just a little dirty, but they’re still good! They’re still good!
They’re so good, in fact, that they’re taking out ads in some of America’s most widely read publications.
Just see how awesome Portland is:
Not every day you see a city taking out a full-page NYT ad on its behalf. pic.twitter.com/WIL6y8yVOf
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) June 21, 2021
It was in today’s LA Times also
— MileHighBroncos (@milehighbroncos) June 21, 2021
Portland had to take out ads to explain that the city doesn’t suck, they’re just being true to themselves!
There’s just something so sad about that. Maybe it’s the desperation with which they’re trying to convince the rest of us not to believe our lying eyes.
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) June 21, 2021
The entire Portland Police Department’s rapid response team resigned because Portland welcomes new ideas and encourages passion.
Well, that checks out!
That wasn’t looting, that was just passionate shopping.
— Elwood (@elwood) June 21, 2021
“It’s okay you can visit us without getting caught in riots, that’s like two blocks of the city.”
— ZaxxonGalaxian (@ZaxxonGalaxian) June 21, 2021
It's a no from me, dawg. #comeseeforyourself #Portland https://t.co/JiCxhtXN0u pic.twitter.com/m9x2H0BWWG
— mrs. morgan (@mrsgmorganjr) June 21, 2021
— 2021gotmewoke (@pdxdnb303) June 21, 2021
Siri, define “swan song”
— 328×4 (@328×4) June 21, 2021