When actress-comedienne Sarah Silverman learned about the apparent attack on a group of Jews dining outside in Los Angeles, she wanted to make one thing abundantly clear: antisemitism is always wrong, full stop.
We kid, of course. This is how she reacted:
Shorter Sarah Silverman: It’s wrong to beat up Jews because not all of them are the icky Zionist kind.
But if you are proudly Zionist, or heaven forbid, wave an Israeli flag, it’s ok to get beaten up waiting in line for salmon sushi roll?
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 19, 2021
And doing so to Israeli or Pro-Israeli Jews is fine? 😳
— Idan Eretz (@Idaneretz) May 19, 2021
Guess so!
Sarah, you have used your voice to shine a light on issues affecting Jews, but you are also complicit in normalising the antisemitsm that has led to this. When you use your platform to say things like you don't have a problem with BDS, you allow this to happen.
— Ben Stevens (@benstevens89) May 19, 2021
as a Jew in the diaspora who loves Israel (and criticizes its mistakes, like with any other country), I do consider myself part of am israel and don't think we should try to minimize our connection because of bigots
— Gabo W (@ggweitz) May 19, 2021
This is a bold strategy, Sarah. And it’s always worked out so well.
Translation: "I'm a GOOD Jew! Don't hit ME, hit those bad Zionists over there!"
— EinLi Eretz Aheret אין לי ארץ אחרת (@EnLiEretzAheret) May 19, 2021
1. Alienate fellow Jews by disavowing the ones that are not our kind, dear.
2. ?????????
3. WIN ALLIES. https://t.co/McNjEchwzv
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) May 19, 2021
This strategy always works. Long historical track record of success. https://t.co/tXQOxI2gJ2
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) May 19, 2021
Great success.
How has "I'm not THAT KIND of Jew worked out for us historically?"
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) May 19, 2021
This is a case study in how not to respond to Jew-hate.
When someone calls you a pig, do you plead with them and say: look, I have no tail? https://t.co/nackXiCYgA— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) May 19, 2021
Don’t you get it? The people attacking Jews in Israel hate you, too. Even if you refuse to stand with those Israeli victims, the best you will accomplish is being the last Jew they want to kill https://t.co/3SrPUmqTsR
— (((Aaron “Worthing” Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) May 19, 2021
They’ll still come for you and your family one day too Sarah. Try a history book. Or pander harder it could buy you an extra day or so…
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) May 19, 2021
And you are not a Jew, the real Jews don't need your Jew-haters “allies” keep crying to the Jew Haters in your beloved left, “I am sure” they will come to your help. @JoeSilverman7 @LouisvilleGun @dflenick @DreyfusShawn https://t.co/AeYIaggXhC
— Raylan Givens (@JewishWarrior13) May 19, 2021
Sarah Silverman seems to believe that if she disavows Israel hard enough, she’ll be left alone.
Shut up https://t.co/qa5nywvOiq
— Joe Pilot, MD (@JoeSilverman7) May 19, 2021
This is a disgraceful take. You are weak Sarah. So, so weak. https://t.co/fZEyDrCjow
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) May 19, 2021
As weak as it gets.
I'm glad you're not Israel. I want to survive.
— LilaR (@LilaR) May 19, 2021
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