Liberal journalist Jesse Singal has become one of the woke Left’s favorite targets, thanks to his insufficiently woke reporting on trans issues. According to Singal’s critics, believing that gender dysphoria is a serious problem with far-reaching, lifelong consequences is evidence of Singal’s transphobia and anti-LGBTQ platform.
Now, GLAAD is getting in on the smear campaign as well:
1/ More on this soon, but GLAAD has added me to an "accountability list" of anti-LGBT figures. They took misleading Twitter scuttlebutt and treated it as true. They also used a professional headshot even I'm only allowed to use in certain contexts.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
Take a look:
GLAAD isn’t so much interested in accountability as they are committed to punishing anyone who doesn’t buy into their desired narrative about transgenderism.
The biggest irony is that "accountability" is exactly what's missing from all these evidence-free ad hominem attacks.
— Strxwmxn (@strxwmxn) March 22, 2021
Nailed it.
2/ Just as a sign of the quality of research that went into this, first screenshot is one of @glaad's "accusations" and the others are direct quotes from two books by Diane Ehrensaft, one of the most celebrating gender-affirming clinicians and a devout ally of trans rights.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
If GLAAD doesn’t have the facts on their side, they’re more than happy to just make some up.
These people are incredibly dim. If they did even the slightest bit of research they would realize that the study Jesse “goofed” had STRONGER evidence for childhood desistance than Jesse thought.
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) March 22, 2021
What's happening to Jesse is a fantastic case study in how rumors become "facts." Would love to see a major outlet cover it but… lol.
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) March 22, 2021
Would definitely be nice to see a major outlet cover a genuine coordinated smear campaign against a journalist.
"Singal says he 'goofed' but clung to his belief that trans children can and do desist."
The implication here is that there has never, ever been a case of documented desistance. That's just false.
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) March 22, 2021
It's circular. The idea is that anyone who desists was never transgender.
— Aubrey Gilleran (@AubreyGilleran) March 22, 2021
And that anyone who doesn’t completely subscribe to woke trans orthodoxy deserves to be punished.
It's so important to understand two things about advocacy groups like GLAAD:
1) They're run by professional activists who have completely different perspectives & incentives than those they purport to represent;
2) They need to constantly manufacture enemies to raise money.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2021
These are the groups — HRC, GLAAD, etc. — that continue to perpetrate the myth that the PULSE massacre was motivated by anti-LGBT animus when everyone who reported on it knows it's false: same reason they added Jesse to their bigot list. This is what generates $ that pays them.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2021
Still, three years later, every time I point out that the PULSE massacre was not motivated by anti-LGBT animus, large numbers are shocked/confused, showing how easily & widely people are misled by media. Here's my article with @MazMHussain on this:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2021
And here's the great reporting on this from @quasimado, who reported from the trial & acquittal of Mateen's wife:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 22, 2021
What GLAAD — and those like them — are trying to do won’t bring about any accountability. Just a climate of fear.
if it's any consolation, i'm a gay person and i also have you on a list (the list being my patreon subs). these people don't speak for all of us
— llama fresh farms, ltd. (@llamafreshfarm) March 22, 2021
.@glaad This is despicable. I know you only go by the initials and not what they stand for these days, but I’m a (G)ay (A)gainst (D)efamation, and what you’re doing here IS DEFAMATION.
Truly you have lost the plot.
— Tom de Guerre (@threecatpileup) March 22, 2021
GLAAD has absolutely no credibility. It’s a shell game to fleece people out of money. This is still disgusting tho.
— Tim Dillon (@TimJDillon) March 22, 2021
Thank god GLAAD is bringing back Joseph McCarthy style black lists. I was really sad I missed that amazing era.
— Meghillah (@MegillahEsther) March 22, 2021
This is horrifying. I don't even know what to say except that I'm sorry.
— Simple Lawyer (@LawyerSimple) March 22, 2021
It's astonishing to me how often people get away with lying about @jessesingal & his work.
— Liz Wolfe (@lizzywol) March 22, 2021
This is unforgivable.
— Batya Ungar-Sargon (@bungarsargon) March 22, 2021
Who will hold @GLAAD accountable for its vicious and dishonest targeting of Jesse Singal?
— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) March 22, 2021
If you’d like to make your voice heard:
GLAAD’s communications director can be reached at [email protected]
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) March 22, 2021
The President is @sarahkateellis
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) March 22, 2021
Singal is definitely going to make his voice heard.
3/ Here's my response. This is insane.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
.@glaad needs to fix this immediately. It's totally inexcusable and discredits the organization.
GLAAD Took False, Previously Disproven Internet Scuttlebutt And Used It To Justify Putting Me On A List Of Anti-LGBT Bigots
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
2/ As I was writing this article, GLAAD was actively stealth-editing my entry on its enemies list.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
3/ Now it has been stealth-edited again. It has gone from "baseless" to "unproven" in like an hour.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) March 22, 2021
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