Daniel Dale is a “fact-checker” at CNN. We use the scare quotes because what he actually does can’t really be called fact-checking.
It’s more like advancing liberal narratives by running interference for Democrats.
Hacks like Dale may think that no one’s paying attention to what they’re doing, but as @AGHamilton29 (formerly @AG_Conservative) demonstrates, it’s not difficult to catch then red-handed:
It's a rather clever trick to simply refuse to fact-check one side and then declare the other side to be significantly more dishonesty…. pic.twitter.com/UBSAHKsfPs
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) August 25, 2020
It’s clever because it’s easy to get away with intellectual dishonesty when you’re supposed to be the one holding people accountable for intellectual dishonesty.
That night at the DNC included Kerry claiming they eliminated the threat of a nuclear Iran, Clinton misleadingly comparing unemployment stats with countries that don't count temporary layoffs, Dems giving Biden credit for auto bailout that was passed when GWB was still POTUS etc
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) August 25, 2020
But Daniel didn’t hear any false claims!
When Kamala Harris said it was just mom's and veterans in portland, I guess that was the picture of clarity?
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) August 25, 2020
I don't mean to sound elitist….but most reporters hired as fact checkers have little-to-no policy background. Which means they have real no qualifications to adjudicate economic, legal, or foreign policy disagreements between experts. They have no legitimate authority.
— Brian Riedl ? (@Brian_Riedl) August 25, 2020
And, based on experience in OH, they get all their policy background from lefty think tanks/lobbyists/pols, talk about it with other reporters who *also* learned all they know from lefties, and decide the free market position is wrong before even asking anyone who holds it.
— Jason Hart (@jasonahart) August 25, 2020
Daniel scratches the Dems’ backs, and they scratch his.
Nice work if you can get it.
Daniel is one of the most egregiously biased 'reporters' around. He almost seems to flaunt his ability to spin stories/quotes while maintaining plausible deniability. A perfect example of how the 'fact-checking' genre is mainly opinion writing masquerading as reporting.
— David D. (@DavidD__21) August 25, 2020
I’ve notice for a while that when covering Republicans he supposedly applies rigor. When covering Democrats he definitely has rigor mortis.
— Jerry Higdon (@JerryHigdon97) August 25, 2020
I mean Trump is a compulsive liar, usually about really dumb things, but you can't just give one side a complete pass and expect everyone else to pretend your fact-checks are objective.
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) August 25, 2020
Yes they can. https://t.co/0wAu6IgSDs
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 25, 2020
Damn straight, they can. Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?
CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale gets fact-checked over Trump and ‘302 great Supreme Court justices’
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