Michael Bloomberg didn’t fare terribly well at Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate, but to his credit, he did fire off a solid shot at Bernie Sanders for being a millionaire socialist with three houses:
Aww, snap. Bloomberg's best moment calling out socialist Bernie's three houses. pic.twitter.com/ncKxkQqSUg
— Scott Whitlock (@ScottJW) February 20, 2020
Not gonna lie, it’s refreshing to hear someone call Sanders out for that on national TV. Would’ve been great if it’d been someone in the media, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?
The Nation’s national affairs correspondent Jeet Heer certainly isn’t going to call Bernie out for being a hypocrite, but he’s more than happy to defend Bernie’s honor:
Bernie calls himself a socialist yet he dares to have a roof over his head. Only hobos living in shanty-towns are allowed to criticize capitalism.
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) February 21, 2020
Jeet can’t possibly be stupid enough to have missed the point that badly, can he? We’re willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say no, and suggest that he’s just going out of his way to defend flaming leftist hypocrisy instead.
This isn’t the sweet tweet you think it is.
— Carl Gustav (@CaptYonah) February 21, 2020
Yeah definitely. It's about him living in a house. For sure.
— George Smith (@P1B_WMichigan) February 21, 2020
*multiple roofs
— Reddened64 (@Reddened64) February 21, 2020
"A" roof? Last I heard there are 3, and many millions of dollars thanks to this capitalist system he wants to burn down.
— Today in Danistan (@RealDanLee) February 21, 2020
Holy strawman, Batman! It's not that he has a house. Not even that he has three houses. He could have a dozen. It's that he rails against the type of society that gives everyone a shot at becoming rich, and promotes the type of government than has been proven to take that away.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) February 21, 2020
"It's not hypocrisy when it's MY team"
— It's still 2016 apparently (@jtLOL) February 21, 2020
Bernie literally spends all day every day saying "_________ has too much _________" and yet he is somehow immune to the same criticism.
(But I DO like your idea of making the hobo the Socialist mascot!)— Jeffrey "Look, Fat" Voth (@Acuda4me) February 21, 2020
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