London Hughes is a British comedienne, but unfortunately, she doesn’t appear to be joking about this:
Lol ppl are still confused, if you were born a white person in Britain, you automatically have #whiteprivilege Doesn’t matter if your family’s broke, you were still born with more power and opportunity than any POC. Soz if that offends you hun, but it’s a pretty great deal tbh ??♀️
— London Hughes (@TheLondonHughes) January 14, 2020
Soz, but if you can’t comprehend that being born white in a predominantly white country that was built on colonialism Isn’t benificial then you’re choosing to be ignorant, google privilege and talk to your local black or brown person (if you have any) conversation is key guys ?
— London Hughes (@TheLondonHughes) January 14, 2020
She’s not white, but she’s enjoying a pretty successful career in the U.K. Same can’t be said for broke white people.
What complete nonsense.
— Uncle Sid (@GreatUncleSid) January 14, 2020
This is nuts lol.
— DavidGX (@DavidGhirahim) January 14, 2020
I love the “if you’re this color your this” position of the left.
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) January 14, 2020
Tell my dad who worked down the pits when he’s was 15 that he was privileged
— k parker (@keithparker32) January 14, 2020
Tens of thousands of white girls in Britain have been sexually abused by brown men while the people in government who were supposed to protect them looked the other way, but tell me again about #WhitePrivilege, oh princess of woke.
— Kerfuffle Actual? (@shoshido) January 14, 2020