Media firefighters have been tripping all over themselves to prove that Donald Trump was lying when he disavowed the chants of “send her back” at last night’s rally. Oddly enough, they seem a lot more concerned with parsing his words than they do about the fact that he was asked about his response to the chant at an event meant to honor Special Olympians:
Pressed by @jonkarl, Pres. Trump says he "was not happy" with "send her back" rally chant, despite fanning flames for days.
"I disagree with it…but it was quite a chant, and I felt a little bit badly about it."
— ABC News (@ABC) July 18, 2019
Jon Karl’s really proud of himself:
Here is my full exchange with the President — I point out the chant echoed his own words and that he let it play out before he started speaking again.
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) July 18, 2019
Congratulations, Jon. Congratulations on not being able to wait until a more appropriate time to bring this issue up. Congratulations on looking like a petty, partisan jackass.
My God, this was about….the Special Olympics.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) July 18, 2019
Young lady there with her medals and this asshole wants to talk about….a chant.
— Federalist Musket?? (@Patriot_Musket) July 18, 2019
This. Was. About. The. Special. Olympics. Good God, let it go long enough for them to have their moment.
— Starts with a K (@kilomikealpha76) July 18, 2019
What an ass of a reporter. This wasn’t the time during this ceremony. This was their time, not ABC’s “Push our own narrative” time.
— Jeff Christensen (@JChrist10783) July 18, 2019
In front of special Olympics kids, in the damn oval office? Wtf is wrong with these "journos"?
Trump gives them time at least once a day in more appropriate settings.— ChachNach (@chach_nach) July 18, 2019
How about letting these folks enjoy their 10-15 min in the Oval Office? Tap the brakes for 10 minutes.
— Suz Carragher (@TheRedDogInn) July 18, 2019
This was supposed to be a special moment for those athletes…. you should apologize to them. Like saying- we know you are here- but you aren’t as important as what I want to say. Jon- I call you to apologize.
— Adam Strange (@Till_Daddy) July 18, 2019
That moment when the media tramples all over the Special Olympics and still considers themselves the hero of the day. Unreal.
— Mrs.Liberty (@LibertyJen) July 18, 2019
Hi @jonkarl I’m glad you could make an event honoring Special Olympics atheletes aboug you and your Narrative. You look like a colossal prick here.
— Will (@Oil_Guns_Merica) July 18, 2019
Stealing the spotlight from special Olympic athletes to own the cons. Just like firemen running toward the fire.
— an egg (@eggelbert) July 18, 2019
It infuriated me no end. I hate the press. I really, really do.
— Still Cher- But Change is Good… (@CeeLee_K) July 18, 2019
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