Kirsten Gillibrand’s poll numbers are in the toilet … maybe this will help endear her to more Americans:
Kirsten Gillibrand compared pro-life beliefs to racism and suggested the pro-life viewpoint is "not acceptable" during an interview with the Des Moines Register
— Jeff Cimmino (@jeffcimmino) June 11, 2019
Wow. Just … wow.
Who is this psycho?
— Dolph Kearney (@DolphKearney) June 11, 2019
One of the worst answers to a Q about abortion ever
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) June 11, 2019
I thought this tweet had to be overselling it, but her answer is even more incoherent and terrifying than that sounds.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) June 11, 2019
Gillibrand “[respects] the rights of every American to hold their religious beliefs true to themselves.” She really could’ve fooled us, given clear animosity toward pro-life Christians as well as her persistent dismissal of all the non-Christians who are also pro-life.
Yeh, my belief that unborn children should not be murdered would exist w/o religion. Bold strategy though.
— Tricky Ricky Faceshot (@ES615) June 11, 2019
do they know that a person can be anti abortion for secular reasons?
— juzbcuz (@juzbcuz2) June 11, 2019
Gillibrand knows; she just doesn’t care. Putting pro-life beliefs on par with racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia is not something a serious, intellectually honest person does.
Being pro-life is as unacceptable as being a racist, according to people purporting to be our moral betters.
— The Motriarchy (@molratty) June 11, 2019
There is never enough abortion happening for these people.
— Dent In The World ?? (@dentintheworld) June 11, 2019
She’s an embarrassment
— Pucks n’ Pigskin ?? (@PigskinAndPucks) June 11, 2019
This is psychotic.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 11, 2019
Shes a ghoul
— DoctorZack ™️ (@drzack87) June 11, 2019
I'm pro choice…and this is pretty awful. Gillibrand can't slink away soon enough.
— John Cole (@ChessNGraps) June 11, 2019
Huh? Kirsten Gillibrand’s take on pro-life Democrats should come as news to a lot pro-lifers
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