As Twitchy told you, Media Matters senior fellow Matthew Gertz is breathlessly trying to do damage control after America Rising’s clip of Elizabeth Warren trying to claw her way out of the Indian burial ground caught fire. But MMFA’s still a relatively small fish in a big pond, so Gertz needs whatever help he can get. Good thing he’s got the Washington Post’s Dave Weigel to help him out:
That didn't take long.
— BT (@back_ttys) May 31, 2019
Retweeting an MMFA stooge complaining about "the partisans" is what real journalists do.
— BT (@back_ttys) May 31, 2019
Oh, for sure. Remember that Democracy Dies in Darkness and stuff.
I mean I guess Media Matters is free to find the missing context from "You're kind of like the original Rachel Dolezal." or "Hey it's what I believe."
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 31, 2019
Dave Weigel’s free to miss it, too:
Irony is that Warren did what seemed smart post-HRC – disclose everything, early – and it keeps coming back.
Repetition matters, and Rs are better at it than Ds. If Trump had been a Dem nominee, there'd have been a "bone spurs" night at the RNC.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) May 31, 2019
He’s right about Republicans being better at this stuff. But when it comes to Warren, he’s completely full of it.
She didn't "disclose" everything. She tried to do a victory lap until 1. people actually read the results of the DNA test and 2. she was called out by Native Americans.
— BT (@back_ttys) May 31, 2019
I wouldn't call this "disclosing everything", but then I'm not a serious journalist at a major news outlet.
— BT (@back_ttys) May 31, 2019
You probably shouldn't be surprised people don't subcribe to your newspaper when your reporter's twitter feed is indistinguishable from a Democratic rapid response feed.
— BT (@back_ttys) May 31, 2019
No kidding.
Media has been indulging Warren's"deep grasp of policy ideas" for two weeks now in hopes of bumping her up into the top tier of candidates and it took less than two hours for "Rachel Dolezal" to trend on twitter.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 31, 2019
It’s true:
You’ve got your work cut out for you, Dave.
That's what you're fighting, brave firefighters. Best of luck.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 31, 2019
We’re all counting on you.
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