Hear ye, hear ye! Her Majesty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has issued a proclamation Direct Action to help us all be better subjects citizens:
?Labor, labor – read all about it!
Your Direct Action for today: Don’t take an Uber or Lyft just for the day. (Just today! Cabs are fine! You can do it!)
It’s a small but big way you can help all the drivers you’ve met get paid more to feed their families + support themselves. https://t.co/oaQZsYqukV
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 8, 2019
Where to begin? This seems like a good place to start:
What about the Uber and Lyft drivers who are out there working today because they need to put food on the table?
— Carla Mercedes-Benzbrown ??? (@2theLeff) May 8, 2019
"It’s a small but big way you can help all the drivers you’ve met get paid more to feed their families + support themselves."
Except for the Uber and Lyft drivers, you imbecile. https://t.co/C55Y4go6k2
— RBe (@RBPundit) May 8, 2019
You can tell AOC really thought this through.
Just for the day?! Lmao, so tomorrow everybody gets back in their Uber/Lyft and they won’t care at all about this?!
— Hatfield Frank (@TerryFranconia) May 8, 2019
Ma'am, they're all driving cars.
Cars. https://t.co/bQUrO4sy8u
— Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) May 8, 2019
How does she reconcile this Direct Action with her Green New Deal? Is she trying to hasten the death of our planet?
Your use of campaign UBERs makes this so great.
— MC Scotto (@ThinkProudly) May 8, 2019
That’s just icing on the cake.
Can I just ride in your convoy of luxury SUVs?
— Kevin Durant? (@markand4503) May 8, 2019
Ooo, can we get in on that?
Let us know when you walk.
— FallingDebris (@VolatileAmine) May 8, 2019
Take a hike
— Liz Hampton (@gizzy42551) May 8, 2019
Now that sounds like good advice.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fact-checked on Uber’s skimpy pay by plenty of Uber drivers
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