And yet another Trudeau hug as Pres Obama takes the lectern to address Parliament.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 29, 2016
Oof. As if the awkward handshake with Obama weren’t enough, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had to go and say this:
PM Justin Trudeau introducing Obama in Canada's Parliament: "Finally, this house gets to see a bromance up close."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 29, 2016
Declaring his affection for Pres Obama, @JustinTrudeau says Parliament about to see "a bromance up close."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 29, 2016
.@JustinTrudeau objects to "bromance" characterization with @POTUS: "I still think 'dudeplomacy' is more accurate."
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) June 29, 2016
Quick, Parliament. Cover your eyes! Alas, it’s too late for us to cover our ears.
“Now this House finally gets to see a ‘bromance’ up close” – Trudeau, marking his second most awk moment of Obama’s Ottawa visit
— Sarah Wheaton (@swheaton) June 29, 2016
can Justin Trudeau stop saying he and Obama have a bromance
— catherine (@chansonsfolles) June 29, 2016
— Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock aka Kimberly (@conkc2) June 29, 2016
@markknoller @JustinTrudeau
— BAT (@bat211) June 29, 2016
Make it stop. Someone please, make it stop.
Obama’s awkward handshake with Canada, Mexico leaders is the gif that keeps on giving!
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