While his Democratic colleagues desperately struggle to run interference for Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, Rep. Trey Gowdy is taking no prisoners in his pursuit of the truth.
So if anyone wants to know what difference does it make, anyone wants to ask what difference does it make, it always matters whether or not you can trust your government. And to the families, we’re gonna find out what happened in Benghazi, and I don’t give a damn whose career is impacted. We’re going to find out what happened.
What difference does it make, Hillary? It makes all the difference in the world.
Gowdy just answered the "what does it matter?" question of HIllary's and I might have clapped.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) May 8, 2013
Gowdy’s determination to get to the bottom of Benghazigate has rightly earned him citizens’ respect:
"I don't give a damn who's career is impacted!" – Gowdy. Can I get him a drink?
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) May 8, 2013
AMEN. RT @missADelgado: GOWDY: "We're going to keep finding out what happened and I don't care whose career is ruined." Bravo! #Benghazi
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) May 8, 2013
Bingo. This isn’t about political gamesmanship; it’s about seeking truth and getting justice for the four Americans brutally murdered on September 11, 2012.
Gowdy: "If anyone wants to know what difference it makes, it ALWAYS makes a difference." #Benghazi #ItMatters
— Jackie Wellfonder (@Wellfonder) May 8, 2013
@TGowdySC Rep Gowdy: "We're going to find out what happened in Benghazi & I don't give a damn who's career is impacted..Love this guy!
— Kaylanna F. (@InvadeTheParade) May 8, 2013
Rep Trey Gowdy paraphrasing "we will get the truth on this and I don't care whose career is ruined" YES!! #Benghazi
— ???? ???? (@LeahR77) May 8, 2013
Trey Gowdy FTW! Obviously will stay on the issue until damning evidence is exposed and no longer squelched #Bulldog
— Joe the Dissident (@joethepatriotic) May 8, 2013
You. Are. Awesome. @TGowdySC. He promises no matter what we will get answers for #Benghazi.
— Mary #FlyTheW (@mchastain81) May 8, 2013
Thank you, Congressman.
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