At tonight’s Massachusetts Senate debate, moderator David Gregory asked Democrat Elizabeth Warren if she considered herself a minority. Logic dictates that Warren, who has been under fire for months for cooking up stories about her Native American heritage (or lack thereof) and marketing herself as a “woman of color,” would consider her answer carefully so as not to make an even bigger fool of herself than she already has. Logic clearly does not exist in Warren’s universe.
Rather than admit that she’s probably not a long-lost Cherokee warrior princess, Fauxcahontas doubled down on her story. And, naturally, mockage ensued:
I Consider her To Full of Shit ! RT @BretBaier: Elizabeth Warren: "I consider myself of having a Native American background."
— Travis Carlen (@TravisCarlen) October 1, 2012
Turns out this is something you can just choose. MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: E Warren: "I consider myself of having a Native American background."
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) October 1, 2012
Yep! Easy-peasy! Conservatives, who consider Warren to be a doofus, decided to get in on the action:
Is that it? Hell, then I’m a Rockefeller. MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: E Warren: "I consider myself of having a Native American background."
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 1, 2012
Elizabeth Warren "I consider myself of having a Native American background" | I consider myself starting shortstop material. #doesntmakeitso
— Time For Choosing (@TimeForChoosing) October 1, 2012
I believed my parents when they told me I was a princess.“@Elizabeth Warren: "I consider myself of having a Native American background."”
— Bootsie (@AugustusBeau) October 1, 2012
Why does Warren continue to claim an ancestry that isn’t hers? Here’s one possible explanation:
Well, someone needs to believe it.@BuzzFeedAndrew Elizabeth Warren: "I consider myself of having a Native American background.
— kim jossfolk (@shoegal90) October 1, 2012
As long as Lie-awatha insists on running with her “Native American background,” here’s hoping that Ace of Spades gets to moderate the next debate.
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