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North Face is selling nothing but their soul in cringy and insulting 'Summer of Pride' promo video

The North Face is one of the biggest names in outdoor apparel, and when you think of outdoor apparel, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? It’s drag queens in rainbow regalia and snazzy platform shoes, right? Struttin’ their stuff in the great outdoors?


No? That’s not what you think of? Well, guess that’s your loss, then. Because it’s at the very top of The North Face’s mind:

Happy Summer of Pride, everybody! Get out there and celebrate. No need for fireworks or anything, though. The North Face will give off plenty of heat and light just from setting their brand on fire.

To be fair, we’re sure that Bud Light would be happy to hold The North Face’s beer right now. Anything to distract from their own brand being in freefall.

We definitely didn’t ask for this. Nobody did.

Pretty soon, it’ll be easier to start tracking the companies that don’t do this. That list is getting shorter and shorter every single day.


But today, let’s focus on The North Face, because they’re currently right in our faces. Well, The North Face and their affiliated brands, of course:

We’re seriously not sure what The North Face is getting out of this deal, other than dragged mercilessly toward the growing pile of woke company corpses.

And even leaving the wokeness factor out of it, just from a purely practical standpoint, what the hell is The North Face trying to sell here?

You mean you don’t, Dana?!

Well, at least those platform boots are North Face platform boots. Oh, wait:


Who greenlit this thing?

This is just bad marketing on several levels. What people who aren’t really familiar with The North Face brand are going to take away from this is that The North Face is big on drag queens frolicking around in getups that are completely impractical for outdoor activities. And what people who know what The North Face is supposed to be selling, well … in all likelihood, they’re gonna wanna do their shopping elsewhere. As a general rule, women don’t take too kindly to being mocked, and what is this video if not insulting to women?

We can’t speak from our own experience as LGBTQIABCDEFG+ outdoor enthusiasts, because we don’t have that experience, but we feel pretty comfortable assuming that if we did, we’d be cringing pretty hard right now. How could it possibly feel good to be reduced to nothing more than an obnoxious caricature so that a company can feel good about itself for trying to cash in on someone else’s experience?


Well, if Anheuser-Busch’s and Target’s, um, experiences are anything to go by, the coming days should be pretty interesting for The North Face.

If they keep this up, the only thing woke companies will be selling soon is their souls.




‘Wannabe woke company’ North Face gets exposed over its use of petroleum in its products


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