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WATCH: Yamiche Alcindor's explanation for why so many Americans are so worried explains why no one should ever listen to her

You may have noticed that the country is kinda sorta going to hell in a hand basket. Well, according to a recent poll, that would put you among the 74% of Americans who think the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction.



“I’ve been out on the campaign trail. I’m in Alabama just today doing some stories about, sort of, redistricting and the, and the political atmosphere in this state. But what you see, really, is, on the Democratic side, people that are very, very worried about the direction of this country. They’re very worried, especially, about former President Trump possibly coming back into power, or former President Trump, or another Republican stealing the election in 2022 or 2024, because we’ve seen so many election deniers be, be elected. So a lot of Democrats, on the Democratic side, they’re very worried about abortion, also, and abortion rights. And on the Republican side, I can tell you that I’m also hearing from people, especially some that are, unfortunately, believing conspiracy theories and lies about the election of 2020, they’re worried that the country is going in the wrong direction because they’re seeing too many people, um, saying that the election was free and fair, which, of course, it was. You’re also hearing a lot of anxiety, based on my reporting, about inflation and about gas prices, because you have a lot of Republicans running around the state who are— around the country, also, that are really saying this is gonna be an economic situation that we’re not gonna recover from and that President Biden is leading the country off of a cliff here. So on both sides, in both political parties, you’re seeing a lot of anxiety. Add to that, José, that we’re still living in the middle of a pandemic. More than a million Americans have died, and I think, while we are always doing stories about all of the different political implications and political developments, I think a lot of people simply are feeling very scared about their personal lives, and scared about the future and sort of there ability to survive and thrive in this country.”


No, seriously, though. What the hell? There’s so much dressing in that word salad, we’re not even sure how to go about trying to wade through it. Guess we’ll just take it bit by bit.

74% of the country believes the U.S. is on the wrong track because Donald Trump might run for president again, and because Republicans might steal elections this fall and again in 2024? But they’re also worried about Republican election deniers getting elected? And they’re also worried about abortion rights?

74% of the country believes the U.S. is on the wrong track because of conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen?

74% of the country believes the U.S. is on the wrong track because we’re in the middle of a pandemic of a virus for which a vaccine has been widely available for over a year and a half?

The only thing Yamiche got right was that people are worried about the economy, but she even managed to screw that up by suggesting that it’s just Republican voters who are worried about it (it’s not) and suggesting that the Republican voters worried about the economy are just being melodramatic (Republicans are running around Alabama and the rest of the country “that are really saying this is gonna be an economic situation that we’re not gonna recover from and that President Biden is leading the country off of a cliff here.”).


Yamiche’s just sticking with what she knows.

That’s why Yamiche’s not worried about the economy. Even factoring in inflation, she’s still makin’ bank for her hot takes. Nice work if you can get it.



Yamiche Alcindor explains how Donald Trump having COVID is totally different from Joe Biden having COVID

Yamiche Alcindor: Trump’s ‘transphobic language’ criticizing trans women in women’s sports ‘is not the right way to talk about that issue’


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