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Tom Elliott takes closer look at Buffalo killer's manifesto and finds some problematic details that throw big wrenches in Left's desired narrative

In the wake of this weekend’s deadly shooting in Buffalo, we witnessed yet another mad rush to use one monster’s horrific act to impugn millions of people over their political leanings.


This happens every time, without fail, and only tends to come to an abrupt halt when the perpetrator’s political views (if politics are even a factor) undermine the preferred narrative. We saw it in Waukesha, for example.

As far as we can tell, conservatives and Republicans as a whole have quite rightfully categorically denounced the beliefs and actions of Payton S. Gendron, not that they would ever have claimed him as one of their own. Indeed, Gendron’s views aren’t nearly as easy to pin down as many on the Left have been hoping.

While public access to his manifesto has been considerably limited, Grabien’s Tom Elliott has pulled some passages that make the efforts to align Gendron’s views with conservatism or the Republican Party a lot more difficult.



Those things aren’t exactly hallmarks of conservatism, are they?

We’re not here to suggest that Gendron speaks for all environmentalists or socialists or communists or anti-capitalists when he decides to go on murderous rampages, but rather to present a portrait of a deeply disturbed and profoundly broken young man whose hate and bigotry led him to perpetrate the unthinkable.

We’ll leave you with Tom Elliott’s attempt to make sense of Gendron’s warped mentality and of how horrible events like this still happen:





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